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Posts: 16
Hi all, firstly apologies if this is already posted. I’m new to the whole mobiflight thing and looked around the forum to no avail.

I’m trying to make a basic mcp for use with my iFly 737NG. I have installed the latest version of mobiflight (7.8.2). I have also installed the “iflytofsuipc” add on.

Using the offset values I have successfully managed to get the led displays working, showing course 1, speed, heading and altitude setting. Now I want to set up the encoders to allow me to adjust these values and this is where I’m stuck.

Using the offsets listed by the manual for iflytofsuipc, I am not getting any effect when turning the encoder. For example:

In settings, I have assigned the pins and double checked they are connected correctly. I have set the type as “1 detent per cycle (00)”.

Then in editing the input I have set the following:
The board and device correctly set to chosen encoder.
It settings,
On left: action type is fruitcake offset, no preset loaded, offset value 0x94F1, value type int, size in bytes 2, mask value with 0xFFFF and set value at -1.
My understanding here is it will reduce course 1 setting by 1 on turning left.

For fast left it’s the same except value is -10. For right the same with value as 1, and fast right value is 10

Sadly when saved, and started, it doesn’t do anything. Am I missing a value? Or do I need another program? I did initially try pro sim but the licence cost made me cry so that’s never going to happen. So I guess the question is this, is it possible to have an encoder change the value of course, speed, heading and altitude using just mobiflight alongside the iflytofsuipc add on for my iFly planes?
2020-07-18 16:19
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Welcome to Mobiflight
I not own the Ifly ( I use PMDG) but technical this must work cause other user still use it without problems !

At first i recommend to check your encoder with a "non critical" thing.
I always recommend to use a standard Aircraft ( Cessna in FSX or Mooney in P3D e.g.) Then use a standard thing like EventID for COM1 Increase/Decrease.
Target is to basicly know if the Encoder work ! By using a standard Aircraft you exclude a issue with AddOn systems !

If you can confirm this we must check your Input Config.

AGAIN..... I not know ifly and not see it´s system how the Offset is working..... But i think "-1" is wrong.
If it working with -1 +1 then the value must be "$-1" or "$+1"

Only "-1" would send the value "-1" to the system..... But you like to send the Current value subtracted by 1 .... So $ is Symbol for current value
If current Course is 180° then we say $-1 MEans 180-1=179 .... So Mobiflight send 179 to the Sim !

Try Out.
If it not work you must send me a manual of Ifly2FSUIPC Tool.... Or we make a Shared screen session on Discord. If i see the Data on your mobiflight window i can help you more!
Good Luck !
2020-07-18 16:53
Posts: 16
Hi pizman, thank you for the quick reply!

I was looking around the forum and saw something that caught my attention. A quote “fsuipc is read only, event id’s are writeable”. Not sure if this was relevant so I thought I’d try it. First thing was I tried using event id in the altitude. I used the preset for AP_ALT_VAR_DEC for “on left” which populated the event id as 65893. For “On right” is Ed preset 65892. When I run the profile, it works but with a catch. Turn left it reduces by 1000 feet, and right increases by 1000. Is there a way to reduce it to 100 feet?

Also, is using event id’s preferred? I found a list of the fsx event id’s but only the words, not the event id numbers, I wonder where I could get those?
2020-07-18 17:34
Posts: 16
I will link the manual for the iflytofsuipc. I am hopeful it will help you advise me!
2020-07-18 19:36
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
You mix up a lot of things.....

1. EventID is a INPUT Only. You can never read it !
2. FSUIPC Offset can be a Output , a Input or a combination of Input and Output. Each Offset got a flag... Its R (readable only) W ( writeable only) or R/W ( read- and writable)

3. We talk about STANDARD Aircrafts again. here we normaly recommend to use EventID for Inputs cause its much more easy and profitable. BUT This not means those Events work for AddOns.... they can.... but mostly they will not work !

A Addon got own rules ( whatever the puplisher like to use). Your IFLY got the own Tool "IFly2FSUIPC" . So you must use exactly THIS way.
If you read the Manual you got all your awnsers.

On Page 3 You see Offset "9400 2 Byte INT " is the MULTI INPUT Offset. So in Ifly all Inputs are done via this single Offset!
On Page 16 the INPUIT section beginns.
On Page 23 for example you find the Inputs for Left CRS Encoder ....


So you must use in your Encoder for LEFT Offset 9400 Typ INT Size 2 BYte Value 197
For RIGHT the same Offset, Typ and Size but now Value 198

In easy words all Inputs are done just via this Single 2 Byte Offset. The difference is just the number you send !
For example if you send 1016 you will press the Captain Side FMC CDU "A" button.

NOTE: Maybe we must build a logic that no input is done if the Offset is still in use ( They say it change to "-1" if it is ready to use.
Please try out. Maybe we need a formula additional !
Good Luck !
2020-07-19 16:21
Posts: 16
Again thank you very much for the help pizman! I love the way you help just enough to get me through but encourage me to think too. Makes me smarter!

Using the values as described, and updating my version of iflytofsuipc to the latest beta version, it now works a treat. I’m so giddy with excitement it’s bordering on sad :D

Thanks to you pointing me in the right direction I am excited for the potential my project has! Thanks for the help it is very much appreciated!
[Last edited by Sinver, 2020-07-21 19:27]
2020-07-21 19:07
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

I know my kind of support is not the one some user expect..... But as you said.... I like to push the guys in the right direction !

I germany we got a old saying.... Not give a hungry guy a fish.... teach him to fishing ! Else he will ask you tomorow for another fish if he is hungry again !

So i know lots of users want a simple premade MCC File for there specific problem. But then they will ask me again 2 days later for help, if they got the next problem. If i spent 10 minutes more to write a awnser that explane the system itself ( not only the single problem) then hopefully the user is be able to solve future situations himself !
Good Luck !
2020-07-22 00:14
Posts: 16
I could not agree more! I would like to ask another question however if that’s ok. I don’t want spoon feeding, so just simply knowing if it’s possible is enough and I’ll try to work it out myself.

I’ve got the encoders adjusting the altitude, heading etc, but is it possible to have it so it does a fast adjust for a fast movement? I don’t want to waste time trying to work it out if it isn’t possible :D
2020-07-22 19:17
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
No Problem.
For Ifly i don´t know. But it looks like NO.

For example with a FSUIPC offset write for a standard Aircraft we can say e.g. $+1 or also $+5 to increase a value faster ( by 5 in one detent). But as you know Ifly allow us just this one Input typ..... And they only have one Input for e.g. MCP Heading. So i think NO

In this case Ifly need to implement a own "inc/dec FAST" command.... If yes we could say on normal speed we use the normal command..... On fast turning we use the Fast command.

Sorry about that !
Good Luck !
2020-07-22 19:40
Posts: 16
That’s ok! I had a feeling that was the case but wanted to check. I will instead put my efforts into one of my encoders that’s not working I think. Then it’s all about making the case and getting it to look nice.

I thank you again, and will post some pics of my project at some point if that’s something people want to see :thumbup:
2020-07-22 20:36