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From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516
Hi everyone

I just found this PMDG forum post

PMDG explains that they will heavily focus on developing aircraft content for the new upcoming MSFS2020 platform. In fact the 737NG3 will only be available for MSFS2020.

They also decided to abandon 32 bit platforms (FSX and P3D < v4 and don’t have any plans to develop for X-Plane in the next 5 years.

If PMDG decides to realign their company strategy in such a way, the new MSFS2020 platform must look very promising to them so that even PMDG thinks that it’s gonna be a game changer and current competition will become irrelevant.

What do you think?
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2019-11-10 15:33
Posts: 53
yes, that actually seems to be the case.
I have therefore decided to stop homecockpit developement on my current platform and wait until 2020.
Looks very exciting!
2019-11-11 09:56
Posts: 104
My quick review of this release and their future efforts gives me the distinct impression that PMDG are not interested in home cockpit builders market. Curious, as there definitely seems to be an increase in this part of the 'hobby' and they could easily have cornered a niche market given the lack of choice below the very expensive options.

2019-11-11 15:10
From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516

My quick review of this release and their future efforts gives me the distinct impression that PMDG are not interested in home cockpit builders market. Curious, as there definitely seems to be an increase in this part of the 'hobby' and they could easily have cornered a niche market given the lack of choice below the very expensive options.


Why do you think they don’t care about cockpit builders?
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2019-11-12 03:46
Posts: 104
It's just a general feeling.

There had been rumours of so-called "cockpit builders" editions and the like which never eventuated. In the long list of features of the NGXu release I saw not a single mention of enhancements to, or support for cockpit hardware (in fact, all I've seen so far are reports of broken hardware links).

They have made it clear that their energy will be focussed on MSFS, and rightly so. That would, in my view, tend towards visual and flight model enhancements rather than an SDK for cockpit builders who care less about what the outside of the aircraft looks like or how sunlight reflects off the engines.

They also have a fleet of aircraft to update, and a never ending list of aircraft requests from non-cockpit builders who undoubtedly represent the greater share of their customers.

The only wild card in all of this is the significant gap in the market that no one seems to have noticed (ie, increasing number of enthusiasts building hardware based cockpits, and only one serious software choice that now costs over 1500 Euro). I had secretly hoped that PMDG might have made a more obvious push to fill this niche, but nothing mentioned in the latest release.

2019-11-12 04:12
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
I see this not so conservative.....

Basicly we need no "support" for special hardware. Its not the Job of PMDG to think about a tool to support for example a premade Element like CP Flight Radio etc .
It is also not there Job to comunicate with Pete Dowson so he can implement there Data to FSUIPC.

All what a Cockpitbuilder need, is finaly there SDK.H file..... And thats basicly no real problem cause the Data already must exist to build the AddOn...... So pretty sure also in a new Version of there 737,747 and so on for "MSFS 2020" there will again exist this SDK.H file or it can be create within some hours by a programmer of PMDG.

So.... All we users need is a 1:1 rebuild of that current system ( we pretty sure will get) OR BETTER .... We need a little rework of that file so the maby 2-3% of missing features come also available in the new Versions of PMDG . For example the mising ADF Stby Frequency ..... a Indicator Offset for STALL Warning ..... Input Offsets for HGS Keypad and IRS Keypad and specialy a better logic for all Outputs like including Batteryoffset for all LED, or Spaces in the Strings for IRS.

About ProSim.
Here i think you can not use this name in same condition. ProSim is basicly designed for Homecockpits. If somebody need a 100% support for a Full Cockpit then he also need a perfect Software..... And this will cost simply 1000$+ . Whatever if PMDG will sell us a "Pro Version" for cockpitbuilders of there PMDG737 then this Pro license also will Cost 1000$+ .... Simply cause they need to build a system that is also so perfect like ProSim.
I think this is not needed..... A Pro System exist by ProSim..... And the deepness of PMDG is already enough for a "Hobby Homecockpit"

Summary.... I looking forward to new PMDG..... I belive they support Homecockpits in same way like now for also the same amount nearly 100$ . And i simply hope they include also for free some missing Data..... BUT i not think they grow up to a real professional Software cause here the small market of maby some thousend Users is still served by other Puplishers.
Good Luck !
2019-11-12 14:04
From: Schneeberg, Germany
Posts: 90

The only thing PMDG has to do is sharing their PFD, ND and EICAS Displays over network. If you want to use PMDG for cockpit building, you need several monitors for those displays connected to one computer. Together with the outside view the frames drop to much.
Every other help for Cockpit builders is not necessary in my opinion, since we have EventIDs and Offsets.
But how can we force PMDG to do so?

PMDG based 747 Homecockpit, 3 Beamer
P3Dv4.3 QOTSII FSUIPC 5full 6xArduinoMega CDU cpFlight 747MCP
2019-12-23 01:05
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

But how can we force PMDG to do so?

With Cash$$$$$ :P

Pretty sure PMDG also realise that Cockpitbuilders pay 1200$ or more for ProSim or Magenta...... Including a Network Compabilitiy and Outsourced Displays/FMCs is no big deal.
Maby hard work in a existing System but for FS2020 they already must rebuild there complete Code..... So Hopefully they will then include also this features.
But sure.... I think THEN there will be a "Custom" and a "Pro" Edition where the Pro will cost some Dollars more.

We are lucky and this comes from itself ( for free) .
PMDG is limmited today by the physical Boarders of FSX/P3D ..... Whatever P3D is still 64Bit.... It based in some Code Parts still on a System that was build in the early 1990´s.
That include also the Logic of Extended Windows and so on. Also the FSUIPC System is realy realy Outdated.

Hopefully FS2020 will give us a "open Door" to nearly all Data of Sim. Then a PlugIn can simply export the Data ( Like the Grafic that be shown on the Virtual PFD) and can easy send it via Network to a client.

Summary.... I not know the future.... But i hopefully think Microsoft and PMDG explore the market for cockpitbuilders..... know what we need..... and sell it to us to earn extra money.
Means.... We need to Pay a bit more in the future..... But we get what we want and much more easy as today.
Good Luck !
2019-12-23 09:34
Posts: 104
Already there is one un-dockable gauge missing from the latest version:

And a terse reply from one of the developers.

We will see.
2020-01-29 15:05