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Posts: 131
Hi guys

I've prototype built my home yoke, all seems perfect, but was thinking it would be a cool feature before I build the real thing to add a little vibration, so when rolling down the runway / landing etc, it shakes a little.

Was thinking of using a little motor sitting inside the handle / grip of the yoke with an offset weight to make it vibrate, but not tested this yet.

Any ideas how I could introduce something like this through Mobi or FSX ?
2019-02-17 23:19
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
look for force-feedback joysticks and their construction. In FSUIPC it's named G Force.
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2019-02-18 10:53
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Thats can be a bit difficult.

Basicly those shakers can be build.... Simply buy a "shaker" and connect it to your Yoke.

The Problem finaly is.... you need a "Indicator" when this motor should work. With Mobiflight you will use pretty sure a Relais for that....
A Simply Ouptut LED Config..... If Indicator is 1 then Power in Pin.... That will controll the relais.... And this will power the Shaker.

Question is.... Do you have a Indicator ? I not work with the G-Force Offsets.... But i think they show simply "G-Force" not something like a rolling over a old runway or taxi on grass runways.
Also things like Stall Warnings with the shaker are problematic....
The FSX Internal Stall System show you 1/0 whatever you Stall or not..... But the Shaker should work "before" you start to stall.

-Hardware is no problem and also no problem to controll Hardware via Mobiflight (On/Off)
-Stepples controll of intensity of vibration is not posible.
- Check if there is a indicator Offset that work for you
Good Luck !
2019-02-18 12:41
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867

I also think it's not a thing for Mobiflight because the G Force values are analog otherwise you can not represent the intensity.
Thus, the evaluation and the control should be analogous. So rather something for the Bodnar interface.
I would look at these values once in Mobiflight, so watch the behavior, when taxiing, landing etc.
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2019-02-18 14:43
Posts: 131

I managed to find a bit of software called FS-Force which is everything I'm looking for, only downside is I can't use a leo bodnar card, but I have managed to source an old side winder on ebay for £15, so I can strip that out the plastic and use the board, and install the vibrating motor inside the yoke.

Will post back here the results
2019-02-18 20:17
Posts: 18
Hi. I am sorry If I am in a wrong thread, but I was wondering what should I have to make a Yoke and pedals to me flight sim. I am taking about devices. And to give an Idea to the shaker, I was think if i could be little realistic but when you taxi you stwich the light on, I imagen tha you cant link that power to your shaker feedding by and extra power supply.
Something that I have in mind is to active a little shaker motor from a joystick any time I used a flap, and downloading the power till stop with a capacitor.
Just ideas.
Well, I hope someine can help me with my doutb.
Regards Luis
2019-10-30 15:25
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Basicly your ideas are interesting..... And technical possible ..... But from my point of view not realistic.

For example taxi...... Here the "Light" is no good indicator, cause if you stop.... for example on Holding Point or while LineUp/Wait then the light i still on.... You full Stop.... But your shaker would be vibrating all the time.
Here you must include also indicators like " Is Aircraft moving" by the Speed Offset ..... and Is Aircraft on Ground ( Airborne Offset) .
For example if you use only speed Offset and you take off then speed is above zero ..... But you not longer roll. So it will vibating until reching FL100 and you turnoff the lights.
Maby you can also include the Gear Offset..... If Gear is UP there must be also no vibration.

Same with Flaps..... You can build a config that is controll the Shaker always if flaps are moving..... No Problem. But why should your stick shaking in cae of moving flaps. In a real aircraft you hear the flaps and you feel a slowing down...... But you not have high vibrations everytime this happens.

As i said in older reply...... The key for force feedback and vibrations would be a realistic "Offset" we can read and controll the device. Whatver ON/OFF via Mobiflight or Variable via a external Tool. ...... Summary.... NO relistic Idicator----> NO Working System
Good Luck !
2019-10-30 16:40
From: United Kingdom
Posts: 99
If you're interested in force feedback yoke, check out my older project here:

Website with files and instructions:

2019-10-31 06:05
Posts: 18

If you're interested in force feedback yoke, check out my older project here:

Website with files and instructions:


Thank you. it is really a pro project. I looking for something more terrenal. I dont have to many choices where I live.A 3d printer machine!!!!!!!, Just in youtube or TV. I actually have a Joystick Mad Catz Stick but I am afraid to broken.
If any one have any idea or link to share I will be please.

Regards Luis
2019-10-31 23:38
Posts: 18


Basicly your ideas are interesting..... And technical possible ..... But from my point of view not realistic.

For example taxi...... Here the "Light" is no good indicator, cause if you stop.... for example on Holding Point or while LineUp/Wait then the light i still on.... You full Stop.... But your shaker would be vibrating all the time.
Here you must include also indicators like " Is Aircraft moving" by the Speed Offset ..... and Is Aircraft on Ground ( Airborne Offset) .
For example if you use only speed Offset and you take off then speed is above zero ..... But you not longer roll. So it will vibating until reching FL100 and you turnoff the lights.
Maby you can also include the Gear Offset..... If Gear is UP there must be also no vibration.

Same with Flaps..... You can build a config that is controll the Shaker always if flaps are moving..... No Problem. But why should your stick shaking in cae of moving flaps. In a real aircraft you hear the flaps and you feel a slowing down...... But you not have high vibrations everytime this happens.

As i said in older reply...... The key for force feedback and vibrations would be a realistic "Offset" we can read and controll the device. Whatver ON/OFF via Mobiflight or Variable via a external Tool. ...... Summary.... NO relistic Idicator----> NO Working System

You point is really intersting. Firts of all I need to make a yoke. Any ideas. Not too pro. Once I got a Joystick and from the joy I too the X and Y axis and wired a potenciometer and works. So I thougth that Arduino and Mobiflight could help me with.
2019-10-31 23:46
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi rodo,

have a look two messages above. A wonderful project in building a yoke!
Unfortunately, MobiFlight is not able to help you with a yoke, as it does not manage analog inputs. It makes no sense for MF, because the data is passed to FSUIPC. FSUIPC already manages analogue inputs provided by a joystick interface. Therefore, a double processing makes no sense.
However, you can use any joystick interface, either from an old joystick that you are rebuilding or from the ground up with an interface that manages analog inputs (such as Leo Bodnar's).
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2019-11-01 11:07
Posts: 181
Google for arduino joystick and u will see quite few joystick projects for arduino. U can use even cheaper arduino boards like uno, mini ...
Ones I use are MHeironimus joystick or mmjoy2. Good luck.
2019-11-01 16:42
Posts: 18

Hi rodo,

have a look two messages above. A wonderful project in building a yoke!
Unfortunately, MobiFlight is not able to help you with a yoke, as it does not manage analog inputs. It makes no sense for MF, because the data is passed to FSUIPC. FSUIPC already manages analogue inputs provided by a joystick interface. Therefore, a double processing makes no sense.
However, you can use any joystick interface, either from an old joystick that you are rebuilding or from the ground up with an interface that manages analog inputs (such as Leo Bodnar's).

Yes, I saw the post above but it is too much for my resources, I checked on gloogle and it looks good to used the Leo Bord. I think i will try that one or play with a joystick and used their anology stick.
Thank to all.
2019-11-02 13:57
Posts: 91
What offset number Airborne offset. I want adding at my force feed back offset
2020-01-03 11:11
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

What offset number Airborne offset. I want adding at my force feed back offset

Open the FSUIPC Offset Status.PDF File in your FSUIPC Subfolder ( /FSX/Modules/FSUIPC Documents)
Use "STRG+F" to open SEARCH Engine and write "Airborne"

Second Hit is....

Offset: 0366 ----- Size in Byte :2 ----- Aircraft on ground flag (0=airborne, 1=on ground). Not updated in Slew mode.

For next time.... Simply search this document then you find all you need.
Good Luck !
2020-01-03 14:17
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