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A HUGE Thank You to everyone who participated in the forum, especially obviously to Pizman and Stephan who did an outstanding job over so many years providing an incredible service to the MobiFlight community.

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Posts: 12
I would like to ask, if it is possible to use the OLEDs LCD Screens (like "")?

I would like to use it for my A320 FCU (and maybe both of the EFIS Panels too). The problem is, that I can use in MobiFlight just the normal LCD Screens where every line have the same height. But I would like to do it like the real one (on the top a little text which goes on and of and under them the normal numbers like the 7 Segment...)

with best regards
your Mathias Shabo
2019-12-06 17:40
Posts: 27
I use one of these for my annunciator with mega visual studio


I did not use mobiflight on mine but it would be virtually the same. The Nextion helps a lot with the design of the graphics on the screen.

2019-12-07 07:41
Posts: 27
oops sorry I forgot. I dont think mobiflight supports the screen which is why I used winforms in visual studio.
It was a thought any way.
2019-12-07 07:45
Posts: 12
would be nice if it is possible to make a feature to control OLEDs LCD Screens like those which I had linked or the other type of them...
2019-12-07 13:00
From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516
These devices look cool but the flexibility is really high. I am not sure how to integrate such a screen with MobiFlight- should MobiFlight come with predefined screen templates or would you want to control every pixel?
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2019-12-07 17:20
Posts: 12
I think it would be nice if it is possible to realize the A320 FCU & EFIS, etc.. maybe some templates for A320 FCU/etc, Boeing Annuciators/etc , and so on. And maybe that it is possible to create own templates... but i donĀ“t know how much is possible...
but it would be nice to use them with mobiflight xD

with best regards
your Mathias Shabo
2019-12-07 19:31
Posts: 6
I am currently building an A320 cockpit and it would be a great help to have more choice for the LCD / LED hardware displays. (even an i2c 4 digit LED!) I know that it would be tricky to fulfil all possible wishes, but a basic 4 / 6 digit 1306 driver for 0,91in & 0.96in displays would be a good start. I have built this with native Arduino and it looks great. (although physical size is a bit of a challenge)

2020-01-30 20:20
Posts: 1

should MobiFlight come with predefined screen templates or would you want to control every pixel?

I think a predefined character size, or alternatively two or three options, would suffice at first. Per-pixel control would be cool, but seems difficult to implement. Maybe similar to standard outputs but instead of pulling them HIGH/LOW, display different "images" that a user can put into mobiflight as 1bit bitmaps.

But, at first I'd say text is more important.
For example, these displays would be a very cheap option for radio frequency or autopilot altitude settings etc. These typically use 7-segment displays but assembling 5 of those and wiring them all up is more complex and expensive than a signle OLED while providing a rather small increase of realism (same position, same size and information, just a different display type), while standard Character LCDs are definitely not suited for this purpose.

I might be in the small minority of people who a) want functional hardware controls but b) don't care about 100% accurate looks though.
[Last edited by LuLeBe, 2021-12-29 20:10]
2021-12-29 19:42
Posts: 15
I would like to know if this ever got support?

I would like to use a small OLED for OAT display. One way would be to support SPI to another Arduino. Then builder can do whatever he wants on other device, drive whatever display, but send data over SPI.
2022-12-07 02:15
From: Salerno, Italy
Posts: 88
This project is interested...but it stopped now.

I'm also interested in use of LED panel instead of lcds
2022-12-07 09:43
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
As i know a direct OLED Support is not planed.... Cause it overdrive in most points the MF User Interface.

We plan for a new DataInterface System in one of the next releases.
Means then we can choose as "Output Device" a IP Adress where we store the Information with a adress flag.

So a external Software ( e.g. a self created Software that can controll Oled Displays) can observe this IP and can "get" the information you need to handle the Oled Display.
At the end this software send the needed signals to a Controller where the OLED is set ( and firmware that can handle this)

In Easy words....
We not plan for OLED Support ourself..... But we offer soon a Interface to allow mining the data within MF and send it easy to a external System.
Good Luck !
2022-12-07 18:57
Posts: 15
The ability to use Mobiflight as the sim I/O with universal communication to external computer/arduino would be amazing. This would open up all kinds of custom functions that are beyond scope of Mobiflight!!
2022-12-14 01:09
Posts: 2
Obviously it would be considerably difficult for any user interface to allow for the design of a graphic OLED, however CHARACTER OLED displays are becoming increasingly common and the majority are controlled by the US2066 controller. These controllers have native parallel and serial interfaces. They are offered in sizes that go great in avionics because of the small, slim footprints that they have. Inclusion of OLED character displays should seriously be considered.

Here is a prebuilt Arduino library for those controllers:

Here is a small sampling of available character OLEDS:

2023-02-04 21:00
Posts: 11
Hey thats cool.
Anyone know if mobiflight supports those?
Or will support in the future?
2023-09-16 20:12