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From: ROME, Italy
Posts: 79
Good morning dear friends,
this morning I did upload version 7.8.2.
something must have gone wrong.
MF does not open and a message appears
"mobiflight connector has stopped working"
there is an option to close the program.
I have tried several times and I have also restarted the PC but MF no longer opens and the same message appears.
I also tried to download from the site but I don't solve anything.
thanks for every suggestion.
MF - simply wonderful !!
2019-12-04 11:00
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Looks like this update is realy problematic :scared:

Please confirm you NOT load a MCC file while your testings.

So Download software from Website..... Install it .... And Run Mobiflight.
Any Error Messages ???

If all is fine then load your MCC file and test again (Close MF and Start again)
If there is a Error NOW then File is corrupt.

Also test maby with or without Mega connected.... Maby there is a Issue in the Firmware of Mega.
Then you need to EEPROM Clear the Mega and Flash Firmware again.
Good Luck !
2019-12-04 22:14
From: ROME, Italy
Posts: 79
Thanks Pizman,
as always your explanations are perfect as well as those of Stephan and Sebastian.
I followed your instructions and managed to download MF and then uploaded the MCC file.
all 10 mega cards are also present.
everything seems OK.
however when I try to assign a new PIN on a mega the following message appears:
"please check your arduino ide installation.
the path cannot be used avrdude has not been found ".
what should I do?
unfortunately I am a person, as has been said a while ago, who welds 1000 wires without any problem but doesn't understand anything about PC !!
thanks for everything
MF - simply wonderful !!
2019-12-05 13:20
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi auransbey,

I do not have your problems after updating to V7.8.2. All is running. Whenn adding a new switch to a modul so I can do his without any problem.

Did you change or update your Arduino-IDE? Otherwise go to the settings give MF the old (new) path to the arduino IDE. Please tell us, what happend.
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2019-12-05 13:27
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Thats it.....

If you UPDATE Mobiflight by AutoUpdater then the old settings are still used.... Like the Arduino IDE Path.

In your case ( cause you have some Problems) you install Mobiflight by hand completly new..... That means the Path to Arduino IDE is no longer existing and must be insert by hand again.

Please go to the "settings" Tab.... And to Mobiflight Boards i think.
In lower section there is a field for the path....
Simply use here the folder where you install Arduino IDE.
Good Luck !
2019-12-05 13:42
From: ROME, Italy
Posts: 79
I did what you told me and everything seems to work.
actually I connected an announcer to PIN A14 (68) and I can't get the normal voltage to turn on.
probably something wrong; I still have to do all the checks.
Thanks for all
MF - simply wonderful !!
2019-12-05 18:56