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Posts: 91
i follow this same problem for my mddog setup.

In the EFIS panel the 4 pushbutton call a state ON for DATA; NAIDS; APT e WPTS buttons.
In the list of maddog control the event ID for example for DATA is 69928 and paramteres work also with 1
or leftmouseclick, but the button on the next press remain in ON and dont close to state OFF.
Do you have other solutions?

many thanks,
2019-11-05 20:35
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Here its difficult to help without own Maddog Software myself.

Basicly you have two ways..... Testing or getting information from right spot.
The needed information must be puplished by Maddog itself..... They use a row of eventId´s and only they know what action is done by using this event.

For example i´m not sure if "left mouse click" Parameter is usefull here..... That Parameter is used internal by PMDG. I not see another AddOn until now that also work with that.
Maby Maddog do this..... But for me it sounds simply Maddog use "positive" Values for a action... So "1" or "536870912" do simply the same.

If you not like to read manuals etc you have to test this yourself..... Try lots of different Parameters..... Try different Buttons if all work same. Try if system change if you use a sequence of Button A Button B Button A Button B and so on.
Simply understand the logic by testing !!

Just a short idea.....
Maby Maddog work with a Press and Release logic[/b]..... So they not support momentary actions finaly. Means if you press a button in Simulator "momenatary" you must simulate at first a Press and shortly behind a release.... Else the button get "hold" forever.
(Some AddOns work so)
In that case simply try the follow....
Set for your momentary Buttons ON PRESS The EventID and Parameter "1" and for ON RELEASE the same EventID and Parameter "0" .

Again..... Just a Idea.... Not a real recommentation.
Good Luck !
2019-11-05 21:32
Posts: 91
thank you for your reply.
I tried just the :

"Set for your momentary Buttons ON PRESS The EventID and Parameter "1" and for ON RELEASE the same EventID and Parameter "0" .

without success.
I ned in this case to call maddog team and find a solution.

2019-11-05 23:32
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Not give up to early.....

Unless questions are not verry famous in forums..... So users should always invest a bit of time and think about the problem. Why open a topic if you can find the awnser yourself.

I recommend the follow....

1. RTFM ( Read the fu**ing Manual) Looks like you got a List of EventIDs.... Is there a note... a tutorial or something like this ?
2. Use Google and maby read 10,20 or more Postings from other user in the hits..... Maby same Problem is already explaned

On other Side you can do some more testings.

For example check your Lists if there is a RESET Event. Maby the System just say that the Events you told us are simple SET ON Events..... Means they can not set a function to OFF by additional pressing.
"Maby" there exist another Event that disable a function..... Or a Event that disable ALL Functions of that 4 Systems if its used.

Also check the function in virtual Cockpit. How does it work there ?
For example the COM1 Active LED in Standard FSX Aircrafts can be activate by a momentary switch BUT can not be deactivated by pressing again ( It stay ON) The only way to disable a function is enable another function ( Like COM2) .
Maby your Maddog is simmular and you can just deactivate a Function by activating a other one.

Or maby its verry easy and the key is a negative parameter.... So "0" do nothing but "-1" is the key.

Summary..... If you not find a solution request help at Maddog Support..... But i recommend to invest some time to find a solution yourself !
Good Luck !
2019-11-06 01:22
Posts: 91
I spoke with developper and said me that there is no parameter for these buttons, but if i leave mobiflight without parameter
flash with error (need to put from a value to a max value).

You can find the maddog list command here

(you see that there is a list of all events and parameter is not indicate, but is know
and is normally 0-1-2 for the on off on switches...)
2019-11-06 09:17
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
"No Parameter" means they have no multiple parameters...... But its not possible to work "without" parameters.
Thats why Mobiflight ( and also FSUIPC) always need a Parameter.

I not talked to these guys myself.... But the statement " Those buttons have no parameter" pretty sure means simply this are SET or TOGGLE Events.....
So its no matter if you send parameter 0,1,2,3,999, or 9999999999. It happens always the same prebuild action that Event is programmed.
BUT you need to send a Parameter cause FSUIPC required this as i know!

Next step....

1. At first check for UpToDate FSUIPC and Maddog AddOn.
Check also if there is a "compiler" that manage data transfer to FSUIPC/Sim..... Some AddOns have own additional tools that do this .... And also those must be UpToDate and correctly installed or enabled.

2. Again confirm my question from older posting.... HOW does the Function work in virtual Cockpit. Can you THERE ON/OFF the switch (toggle) by ultiple klicks on the button or do THERE the Light still stay ON when you try to press it multiple times ?

For testing action the next step is..... Try out a OTHER Function with same logic..... So a Momentary Button ( not a ON/OFF switch) . Choose one..... Use that Event ID ..... Check if you can toggle it in the virtual Cockpit ..... then check with Mobiflight.
Target: Find out if all Momentary Inputs got this problem or only those 4 Buttons.
Good Luck !
2019-11-07 03:53