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05/03/2024 - This forum is read-only

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A HUGE Thank You to everyone who participated in the forum, especially obviously to Pizman and Stephan who did an outstanding job over so many years providing an incredible service to the MobiFlight community.

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Posts: 5
I added an led and a 7 segment led to try things out and it worked ok, except I couldn't get it to do anything on FSX. Added a button as an input and now all it will do is show the test button. Run is grayed out and wont do anything. Can test my outputs but I cant run anything. Tried 3 different arduino mega's and reinstalled Mobiflight, but nothing will work
What am I doing wrong?
2019-10-14 04:59
Posts: 5
Ok, got that problem fixed, now if I could just get Mobiflight to connect to my FSX!
2019-10-14 05:49
Posts: 181
U need FSUIPC . Then check both mobiflight and FSUIPC active, both with green checks at bottom of MF connector.
2019-10-15 07:38
Posts: 5
FSUIPC is installed, but will not show active... It comes up as an add on in fsx, And the logger logs events, but it will not connect to mobiflight
[Last edited by D_Read12001, 2019-10-16 03:01]
2019-10-15 17:18
Posts: 181
Make sure it up to date version of FSUIPC. I have a registered version and it is active with MF . Unregistered one may work but I am not very sure. Good luck.
2019-10-16 04:17
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Not be scared :scared:

Unreg Version (Freeware) work also 100% fine. Reg version is only needed for LUA Stuff, Axis settings and so on. For the basic Mobiflight Comunication its not needed.

So.... As Thatchi said.... Get sure you have the UpToDate Version that is build for your used system ( Note P3D use a OTHER Version as FSX )
Check this spot.....

Another issue Spot is sometimes if you have multiple simulators on your system..... or maby 2 different installations of the same sim.
If your FSUIPC install go to Sim A but you use Sim B then it canĀ“t work .
Good Luck !
2019-10-16 12:27
Posts: 5
Only 1 simulator on my computer and everything is up to date. Still cant get FSUIPC to show active on mobiflight
2019-10-16 18:54
Posts: 5
Finally, after 4 days of frustration, I got MobiFlight to connect to FSX.
Had to go thru and delete every file that was associated with mobiflight and download it again....
Thanks for the replies, I'll probably have a lot of dumb questions to ask before I'm done!
2019-10-18 16:49
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Quetions are welcome. If you need help on a other spot simply open a new topic and ask.

About the old Problem:

Appology for your Trouble.
You pretty sure understand that 1000+ People using Mobiflight and have no conecting Problem to FSUIPC..... So we could not tell you that the Mobiflight installation was the point of interest here. Badly we can not see the whole system when somebody like you report those problems. There are so many issue spots like wrong installation, wrong paths and so on.

Whatever it sound strange.... But "restart from beginning" is for myself the best solution i know. If your TV stop working the first action is to set it OFF and ON again and check if it work now. If not you set it OFF .... Remove the Power cable.... Wait maby 5 Mins and then power it again and set ON for another test.
And i will say in 50% or more of situations a electircal device will work again, and this little "reset" solve the unknown problem.

So..... Whatever this is not realy a Support advise ..... If you have a problem you can not find out the reason intuitiv .... A Simple new installation or a rebuild from the Problem in a new config for testing can be more profitable as searching lots of hours. If "reset" bring no result you can then start your research. But maby you already solve it and save a lot of time.
Good Luck !
2019-10-19 10:48