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Posts: 2
I was just wondering if anybody knows if the new Flight Simulator will be compatible with MobiFlight.
Does anybody know anything about that?
Have a fantabulous day!
2019-06-10 19:18
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi CaptainBob,

welcome to MobiFlight!

Microsoft launched a new flight-simulator? That's new to me but I hear it well.
Or do you mean Prepar3D? This is the old FSX and Lockheed Martin bought the Sorucecode. They continued to develop it and gave it a new name: Prepar3D
This one is regarding the EventIDs and the Offsets compatible to FSX, I think 100%.
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2019-06-10 19:53
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
I think he talk about "Flight" by "Dovetail Games" (Microsoft sells the source code to Lockhead Martin but also sells the brand name "MS-FS" and all copyrights to DovetailGames.)

At first .... This was a nice vision... but it busted.

So summary.

Mobiflight talkes to FSUIPC ... So Only FSX an P3D are directly supported .... Xplane is supported via the XPUIPC PlugIn.
All other Sims are basicly not possible.... Only if somebody programm a simmular thing like XPUIPC .... So a PlugIn that translate the Sim Internal Data to a Platform that "look" like FSUIPC and can be Read by Mobiflight and all other 3.rd Party AddOns.

So i recommend......
If you like it cheap use FSX ..... If you like it professional and longtime working then use P3D .... If you like it experimental with only a few AddOns and you be able to script yourself a little bit then use XPlane. ........ All other Sims i personaly not recommend for civil Aviation.
Good Luck !
2019-06-11 06:17
Posts: 101
2019-06-11 17:18
Posts: 181
MS flight simulator 2020 coming next year on both Xbox and PC version. :thumbup:
If it works with FSUIPC then MF will be able to interface with it. We may need to update FSUIPC to new version. I am crossing my fingers.
2019-06-13 08:46
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

I not know that.

Lets research and wait for more information.

I will say if this project is supported again by a "Big Player" like Microsoft then this gonna be the long needed next Step. If this is just another LowBudget rework just with the "Name" bought from Microsoft for some bucks then i not hopefull that this will be good.

Also not get blended by the trailer. Every crap game got a rendering high quality trailer but ingame grafic is mostly from the late 1990s.

Whatever i not looking forward to those grafics. We need a high relaistic physic, a real world NavAid and a 100% accurate Weather.
Who cares about the 4k resoluition of thy Pyramides in Egypt if we overfly them in 38.000 ft on a Journey from London to Singapore.

The MOST negative aspect for me is the fact it is planed also for XBOX.... A High End Simulator is not a "Fun Game". And it pretty sure is not designed for a Console.

Summary. I hope like you guys that we get a new Platform..... I´m sure Pete Dowson will include FSUIPC if its a Professional Sim.... BUT At the moment i think this gonna be another trash game like all other Attemps in the last years,
Good Luck !
2019-06-13 13:09
Posts: 2
Thank you for your insight and all of your help on the forums.
I also hope it isn't another trash game :)
Have a fantabulous day!
2019-10-01 13:31
Posts: 27
This is the flightsim they are talking about and it does seem rather awesome. Watch the video and see for yourself. :w00t:
2019-10-01 17:03
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
After some time goes by i realy must rethink my initial comment.


I will say if this project is supported again by a "Big Player" like Microsoft then this gonna be the long needed next Step. If this is just another LowBudget rework just with the "Name" bought from Microsoft for some bucks then i not hopefull that this will be good.

Whatever it is Microsoft itself or it is a outsourced studio under controll of Microsoft.... Looks like a "Big Player" have controll.


Also not get blended by the trailer. Every crap game got a rendering high quality trailer but ingame grafic is mostly from the late 1990s.

Its strange.... But it realy looks that this was no render commercial movie.... It realy was game grafics ( With perfect conditions)
So.... I alredy not think for examply my hometown in germany with 3000 people living is same qualitiy like a US City as New York..... But with a high end Internet bandwich this gonna be a nearly perfect VFR world..... without any AddOn needed.


Whatever i not looking forward to those grafics. We need a high relaistic physic, a real world NavAid and a 100% accurate Weather.
Who cares about the 4k resoluition of thy Pyramides in Egypt if we overfly them in 38.000 ft on a Journey from London to Singapore.

Looks like it all will come. Impressive !
And after i see the last Video i will be also a "little" impressed about a 4k Pyramide .... Whatever i already think those grafics are finaly not needed.


The MOST negative aspect for me is the fact it is planed also for XBOX.... A High End Simulator is not a "Fun Game". And it pretty sure is not designed for a Console.

We not get a Console Fungame on our PC´s as i think first..... Looks like they try to bring a high End Simulator to a console....
Here i already think this is a bad idea.... Consoles are not a platform for flightsim in my eyes...... But who care if "our" PC Version is perfect.
So if they like to earn some bucks.... Then they should do.


At the moment i think this gonna be another trash game like all other Attemps in the last years,

I need to say apollogy .... I was wrong. From current spot it looks like the new Sim we all waiting for !


At Last.... Now we must hope they find a way finaly to support homecockpits. Maby Microsoft will give us a "standard Version" and a "Pro Version" for a bit higher price but that include finaly something like "FSUIPC NextGen" .
( Not mean the old structure of FSUIPC.... I Mean a Completly Open Data Broadcast, where AddOns like Mobiflight can simply Read/write 100% of Data)

I hope they learned from there mistakes in the past..... Like some AddOns (PMDG) that do a lot of Data only internal and not readable to FSUIPC.
So a perfect Solution will be a Micrsoft Internal Plattform where AddOn Aircrafts MUST support 100% of Data.

Lets talk about again in 1 Year ;)
Good Luck !
2019-10-02 09:00
From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516
I heard a comment in one of the videos that they plan to expose many more variables of the flight sim through the interface (SimConnect?).

Another thing I want to point out: Streaming the scenery data will allow to constantly improve the experience over time. They are using AI algorithms to enhance the satellite images, like color adjustment, sharpness etc. They will improve these algorithms so that they will better remove cars, clouds, unwanted shadows, etc. They will also enhance the AI models over time to improve creation of 3d models, so the ones that are currently not perfect will be better. They will also process more and more of the planet over time. So if they start with 400 cities that doesn't mean it will be limited to 400 forever. I expect that the level of detail for remote areas will improve as also the raw satellite data will improve over time and the AI models will become better and better.

I am super excited about the new sim and hopefully I or somebody else from the MobiFlight community will be picked for an alpha test.

I often thought: Google Maps renders cities in 3D, if we had that data in a flight sim, that would be cool - and now we are there and the quality is even better than I had imagined. I am super excited.
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2019-10-02 13:54
Posts: 181
Currently there way to fly Fsx with google earth 3D scenery. I occasionally fly c172 with google earth 3D . The draw back is it static. So water ocean is still, cars people not moving at all, but I able to see my neighborhood and real landscape from low altitude . It awesome.
2019-10-02 15:05