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Posts: 2
I have P3D V4.5, IRIS Texan T-6C (RNZAF) and HTC Vive Pro.

I want to make an up front panel control for my cockpit so that it will sit in front of me in the same place as the virtual one but I can physically press the buttons. I know how to use the park brake as that is a generic P3D event. The buttons on the HUD aren't. Can MobiFlight make this work?
2019-09-10 12:05
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Please send us some Links.

I not know that systems.

Basicly if they control something and support data "somewhere" in FSUIPC or Lvar then its possible to work with. Much more easy if they can set to a Keypres or Joystickbutton.
Then we can simply emulate those inputs via Mobiflight.
Good Luck !
2019-09-11 15:42
Posts: 2

This is the HUD from the Texan T-6C. When hovering over the button, the word “UFCP Button” appears. I looked through the flight sim commands and it doesn’t appear there but there are other button options in the control menu.

I will make a physical upfront control panel and sit it where the real one is. I will look into using the HTC Vive front cameras.
2019-09-12 10:57
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
So we talk about the upper panel in this picture ( with the 4 Displays and the Buttens left and right ) correct ?

Is THIS a standaloane AddOn or is this panel a part of the AddOn Aircraft itself ?

Whatever the basic question is .... does it support data to FSUIPC ?
This can be find out with a registred FSUIPC Version.... Use Logging Mode..... Scan Events and press the buttons with your mouse. If those Events are compatible then they will be logged.
If not ( i think so) then you must contact the guys who create this AddOn ..... Ask them if there is a LVar or something simmular you can read by FSUIPC or a LUA Script.

Basicly you got 2 Problem here..... The INPUT is maby possible with Key Commands..... As i said you must check also the Key Set System of this AddOn. Maby you can simply set a key/Joy Button to the functions.

The bigger Problem is the Display
1. Its 14/16 Seg .... Mobiflight support only 7 Seg. Alternate would be a LCD Display to show the Characters.... Or a improvisional solution.
2. You must read the Data.... If no FSUIPC support is implement then this gonna be hard.

Summary.... Contact the manifactur of that AddOn and ask them for information about Input/Output for Homecockpits.
Good Luck !
2019-09-12 12:58