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Posts: 3
Hello guys,
Two questions:
1) I have a problem with the set value setting and the 0C6C function. What does it mean
ADF1: dial bearing, where adjustable (in degrees, 1-360). Does not work.

2) How to set on left FAST and on right FAST

Thanks so much
2018-04-25 20:48
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
On Fast commands are simmular to the normal left right commands....

If you turn the Encoder "fast" then the "On Fast" Entry will executed instead of the normal one.... So simply config the needed function there.

About that Offset .... I dont understand WHAT you like to controll here....

Please tell us...
1. What sim ? FSX/P3d/Xplane
2. What Aircraft ? Addon ?
3. What input will you make ?
Good Luck !
2018-04-30 02:22
Posts: 6
HI guys, I will reuse this Item, I have same Problem

Problem: ADF1 Dial Bearing Not working
FS Used: Xplane 11
Panel used : Panel Builder of Simplugins
Xpuipc Offset used: 0C6C
Aircraft: Cessna 172 and Beechcraft Baron 52

If it canĀ“t be fixed, is posible assing a key board action, or something from encoder to mobiflight?

2019-08-27 23:13
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

As you know Xplane is different.

In FSX/P3D you can use Events "ADF Card INC/DEC" Numbers 65881 / 65882
I also check in Logging that offset 0C6C 2 Byte INT show us the current Course of ADF.
I NOT test if a Input is possible in case of missing hardware at the moment.... FSUIPC say this offset is maby not working and need futher testings.

For Xplane this is not helpfull...... Here you have no EventID. BUT as i know XPlane also allow us to check "Xplane Events".
Maby Sebastian read this. He said he got a tool to "readout" the executed Commands if you click something in the vrtual cockpit.
If you know that command then you can set it via XPUIPC to a offset and you can controll it via Mobilfight.

Alternate is simply key command. Try out if you can define this function in Xplane to a keycommand in the settings.
If Yes set it simply to a key like "A" and use in Mobiflight the same key for your encoder ( sure... 2 Keys for left right needed)
Good Luck !
2019-08-28 07:09