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Posts: 91
hi, i am build my home cockpit b737.pmdg on p3dv4.
mobiflight mcc.file combination 4 card arduino mega.
almost done my cockpit. i am finish allready mcp, efis, control stand thorttle, and radio trandsponder,
last night i am trying configure offset wet compass.
problem is come out.

i configure under efis board arduino.
pin 1=9
pin 2=10
pin 3=11
pin 4=12

offset 02cc
360sim stepper2048
floating 8bit
compas mode

after that i test. stepper cant run. than i save configure,
after that i unplug cable usb and reset button arduino.

i lunch mobiflight i see only 3 card as a logo mobiflight(mcp,mip,thorttle)
another one just see logo arduino. i try upload getting error.
so how can i solved my problem.
please help me
2019-08-05 04:48
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

A missing Board can have multiple issues.
Mostly there was a issue while uploading or a electrical problem on the board.

Its hard for me to see the problem from outside without testing. Whatever its also hard to find sometimes the problem when i got it on a own board.
I know it sounds strange but my basic technic here is simply the "Shoutdown and start from beginning" idea.

As i said here multiple time its high recommend to make backups ( with history) from all things you make.
So i make a backup of my MCC Config File "BEFORE" i create a new thing like a Input Config..... AND i make a backup from a MFMC File (Devices on Mega)
Then i test the new part . If all is fine i move the 2 Backup Files in a subfodler and name it like "Add xxx Switch".
When i add again a new part i do the same.... But i not delete the old files..... i Create again a new folder and save them.
Target is.... i Have a Backup copy from a "running" System for every step i build my cockpit.

If you have a Problem on a specific Arduino you can simply reset ( delete/format) the whole Arduino Mega and upload a config from the past that was confirmed working.


Solution for you:

1. You can try multiple testings..... Use a other USB Port , Make a restart of System and so on. Maby it help.
1A. Remove the Motor from hte Pins (5V GRD) Maby it is simply a overloead of Power Problem !

2. Delete the problematic Board ( Via EEPROM CLEAR Sketch in the Arduino IDE) and then start from beginning. Connect the Board, Start MF and upload Firmware, Create all Devices again. ( Here it is just a work of 1 minute if yu have a Backup File as recommend )

Hopefully this help.... If not request again and tell us your testing experience.
Good Luck !
2019-08-05 10:27
Posts: 91
i try run mobiflight and arduino mega (problem) at another one pc. the result got same problem.led yellow turn on (L symbol near pin13)i think arduino board malfunction. i test at empty configure. nothing swith or led..
i decide change new board arduino.the question is what pin number suitable for the stepper mmotor, led, encorder and switch.i worry about this bad situation.
tq for replying.

2019-08-06 01:26
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Here i get no 100% Information but we have a guidline that mostly workes.....

1. NOT use Pin 0 and 1

2. Work with 50 Pins max ( Whatever 51 are available .... We get reports that the 51th Pin is problematic then.)

3. Use SHORT Device Names ( I personaly recommend not more then 8 Chars.... Also use only a-z and 0-9 No Symbols no Spaces

4. Work within the Limitations ( 40 LED, 50 Switches, 20 Encoders and so on)

5. Get sure Power is correct.... If you have a Stepper Motor ( with non external power) then the Limit of whole board is nearly reached.... Not use multiple LED on that Board. Summary get sure all Devices not need more then 500mA per Board)

6. Have a "overall" Power management to not burn your Power Suply of computer.... Maby use Powerd Hubs for the Megas to have a external Power suply.

7. Make Backups ! Then a Problem is solved Quickly !
Good Luck !
2019-08-06 14:50
Posts: 91
my arduino mega success update. now can function into mobiflight.
i clear in epproom. the problem solved.

2019-08-14 17:12
From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2019-08-15 06:21