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Posts: 69
Hi all,

my problem: inputs are identified in the Debug log, but they are not executed. Outputs are working.

I can not really see, what exactly the debug message says, because it is just running through hundreds of lines per second, showing something like "FSUIPC2Cache: skipping process(), last read (xxx), less than yyy".

But the input is not being processed to P3D, or Jeehell.

At least I found one button, that is working, which is the parking brake.I tried to check the hardware functionality and assigned the parking brake function to one of the not working buttons. And voila - it's working. But assigning back the old function - old problem occurs again.Both buttons are on the same board.

I was reading in the forum of some input problems and tried the different tips:
-deactivate the debug mode > didn't help
- reducing the FSUIPC read intervall speed > didn't help
Starting MF as admin > didn't help

This problem started, after I changed my networked computers from Win7 to Win10. The computer with Mobiflight on is still on Win 7. I actually planned to move Mobilflight to one of the client computers and connected all boards already to the new computer. But then I found out, that analoge signals from my Arcaze boards are not working from that client. So I reconnected all Arduino boards back on the original computer. All status messages show ok in Mobiflight. But only the parking brake is working. All other buttons (across 6 Arduino boards) are not working.

Please help!!

2019-07-28 18:34
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
I´m Sorry.

I have personaly no experience with a network system. So i can not help you.

The Skipping Process MEssage is a tool that was implement in last patch to solve the "Missing Event" Bug. I think this not finaly solve it but make it more better as in the past.
If this Message com over and over i would think the FSUIPC Polling is much to fast ( So try 300 or maby 400/500 and check if its better)

Maby the Master Problem is finaly a mixing of Win7 and Win10 in the Network. ( No experience just a idea)
I also not understand why arcaze not work on the other system ??

Maby a advanced Network user can help you. Else you need to test youreself a bit.... Maby try to install win10 on all Computers ( Whatever i always recommend to stay in Win7 forever)
Check your WIDEFS Version if all is correct installed ( And also check in Pete Dowson Forums if there is a problem if FSUIPC and WideFS is running on two different Systems (Win7/10)

Aganin apollogy i can´t give you direct help !
Good Luck !
2019-07-29 10:05
Posts: 69
I tried with FSUIPC polling at 400 and 500 ms. But no change.

Arcaze generally work on a networked computer together with WideFS. But only for digital inputs. My two analogue axis for speedbrake and flaps were not transmitted to the P3D computer.

The strange thing Is: why is the parking brake function working - on every button - and not the other functions?!? :confused:
2019-07-29 10:46
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
I don´t know WHAT you try with the other buttons !

If you use for example Event ID then a "8 Byte" Command must be send with every button Press. If you use for Parking Brake for example just the "boolean" 1 Byte Set then only 1 Byte must be send. That can be a difference.

Whatever i can not belive that. Sure.... "bigger" Inputs can be problematic.... But they normaly can not be 100% Broke. So for example a missing of some Events is logical but not a 100% not working situation.

About arcaze....

Do you have a basic standard Joystick ??? Set it to the client and try to use a axis in FSUIPC ( via WideFS) .
As i said i not try this myself cause i not work over network.
Question here is.... Does FSUIPC (Widefs) basicly not alow axis on clients OR does Arcaze just not work on that client.

As i know it is no problem to run 16 ( or maby 32) on a Computer . Also via WideFS . But i just read about "Buttons". If Axis work i can not confirm.

If my assume is right and Axis work in clients basicly , then you must research WHY your Arcaze will not work !
Good Luck !
2019-07-29 11:16
Posts: 69
Hi Pizman,

I really appreciate your help!

And yes, I find it really strange myself. I still hope, that with your experience and more details from my side, you can help me finding the error.

So the buttons, which don't work are mostly 1 or 2 byte of size. (if you are familiar with Airbus, it's the EFIS panels, ECAM panels and TCAS panels for example).

To narrow down on the error, I think it's good to narrow down on one of the affected mega boards. Here is an example of two buttons, which are connected to the same mega board:
Button: Parking Brake (FSUIPC:0x0BC8 / Int / 2 Bytes) > working
Take Off Config Check (FSUIPC: 0x78ED / Int / 1 Byte) > not working

Parking Brake is also working on the PIN of the "Take Off Config Check" button. So the hardware connection should be good.
2019-07-29 18:16
Posts: 69
Being back from vacation I did some further testing and connected a new Arduino/MF Board directly on the P3D PC and configured 3 functions
- parking brake
- seat belts signs
- landing gears

So I can exlude WideFS or other network issues. But same effect: Parking Brake is working. But not the other functions.

What the heck am I doing wrong??? As all my boards used to work before, there must be something centrally, that I am not seing at the moment.

PLEASE HELP!!! :cry:
2019-08-10 18:51
From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516
Hi Mike,

let me see if we can help you but we need more information:

What plane are you trying to use? Are you using a default plane? JeeHell?
What are your config settings? Are you using the presets that come with MobiFlight?
What kind of input are you using? Are you using FSUIPC Offsets, EventIDs or Keyboard Commands?
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2019-08-10 21:43
Posts: 69
Hi Sebastian,

thanks for your support!
My setting:
- Jeehell
- Parking brake config: used your preset
- other configs according to Jeehell offset documentation

I also tried to use other Mobiflight presets to encircle the error. But couldn't find any, that I could easily use for Jeehell. I also tried simple things like seat belts sign or taxi light on/off (Jeehell offset 78EE, 1 Byte).

2019-08-11 02:59
From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516
Hi Mike

thanks! that was helpful for me even though I had read the rest of the thread.

So I would suggest to make sure that, as Pizman already mentioned, Jeehell really has the FSUIPC support enabled. This is a component that you have to enable during installation otherwise it will not work.

Did you check that?
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2019-08-11 06:09
Posts: 69
SOLVED!!! :w00t:

Sebastian, you gave the final tipp: I had Jeehell FSUIPC support only installed on the computer running P3D. Now I also installed it on the computer running the FMGS server and it's working now, as all the time before.

Man, I am so thankful!!! This was annoying me for the last two weeks.

I' ll drink a big beer on you and Pizman today!

2019-08-11 13:32
From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516
Awesome! I am glad it’s working now.

Have fun with MobiFlight and spread the word B)
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2019-08-13 15:16