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Posts: 5
Hello community,
I am building a home cockpit sim with ProSim. Is it correct that I can use the offsets from PMDG and project magenta and the free offset range from 66C0 to 66FF ?
Thank you
2019-07-06 08:56
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

The Free Range can be used without problems.
Just note that 3rd Party AddOns also "can" use those offsets. Normaly this not happend but we have reports in the past that for example a hardware panel with a own software ( if i remember right it was a Clock gauge) use for internal system 66C1 .... So just take care about that..... If you have Problems in a Offset ( Mostly the beginning range 66C0 66C1 66C2 e.g. ) then check if offset is controlled by a other programm.

The PMDG Range "should" be free to use aslong you have NOT load a PMDG Aircraft at the moment.
Same note like above. Also other AddOn/Hardware puplishers know that PMDG Range is free ( alsong not loaded) and maby write those Offsets for there own useage.
If your Offset of ProSim do strange things like change back to zero then check if these Offsets are in use by another programm.

At last the Magenta Offsets.... Here the same argument is correct.... Normaly not used aslong no Magenta in System. But here i would be carefully.... PM is not a 3rd Party like others. Basicly FSUIPC Offsettable was designed for Project Magenta. So whatever the Offsets are not used.... SOME OF THEM "can" be maby write protected , not readable or still active whatever no PM is loaded..... I Never try out that myself.


I Recommend:

1. Start with 66C0 .... Swap to PMDG and use finaly Magenta only if needed.
2. If a Offset work.... Then fine. If Not check it or use the next one.

3. Work logical and tidy.....
I not use this ProSim Tool but i heard its possible to use BIT instead Byte (isnĀ“t it ??)
If yes then you can save hundrets of Bytes. Every Boolean Offset just need a BIT ..... So in only one OffsetAdress like 66C0 1 Byte you can show 8 different functions.
Good Luck !
2019-07-06 11:17
Posts: 5
that's right i can use 8 functions and it works. on my PC there won't be any PMDG or any other Hardware which is not produced by myself so i can take the PMDG thank you very much.
2019-07-06 14:20
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Just a hint

With the Bit Logic you can also create tricky solutions where Mobiflight got technical "borders" at the moment.

For example if a function should be controlled only if 1 of 2 Conditions is true. Here its a nice solution to write those information ( if its bool) on 2 Bits of 1 Byte.

When we now read with Mobiflight this Whole Byte then it include BOTH Informations ( corespondending bits)
For example if we use Bit 0 and Bit 1 ..... If A = ON and B = OFF then Offset = Decimal 1 If B is ON and A is OFF then Vlaue is Decimal 2 .... If BOTH are ON then its "3" If Both are OFF then its "0" .
Here we can create a "situation" for a Motor/LED etc that not need to read multiple Offsets.... We can "combine" up to 8 different things to ONE readable Value .
(Not like to go deeper a.t.m..... Here Math, Binary Knowledge and Operator/function Logics are needed)

For Other AddOns this is problematic cause there Information A is for example Hardcoded on Offset 6000 and Information B is on Offset 6222.... Its not Possible to read them Together. with Prosim you can Set the Offsets directly nearby if you plan to read them for something together. VERRY Usefull for high professional Cockpits !
Good Luck !
2019-07-06 15:23
Posts: 5
Thank you ver much for this helpful messsge
2019-07-07 08:01