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Posts: 19
I have a chrono with 2 7 seg. displays,How can I get the top display to read hours and miutes,currently I have to display hours on top line and minutes on bottom.thanks.
2019-07-01 21:53
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867

which simulator do you use and which addon?

How many digits do your displays have?
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2019-07-01 22:01
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
You say you got TWO 7 Seg Displays.....

Do you mean you have ONE MaxChip and you split the 8 Diggits into 2 Blocks of 4 Diggits....
Do you mean you work with TWO max Chips and 2 Rows of 8 Digits EACH ??

Basicly a Output Config you like to use for a Display have the "Display" Tab.... THERE you can choose what MaxChip you like to controll AND you can say what Diggits on this chip should be controlled.
So a Config not "block" the whole chip..... You can for example say Config 1 should show "Hours" on Diggit 1,2,3,4 and a OTHER Config will controll the SAME MaxChip but show "minutes" on Diggit 5,6,7,8 .

Maby this information still fix your problem....... If NOT please tell us.... How many MaxChips you got and How many Diggits are in Upper and Lower Line..... And what Diggits are wired to what Max if you use multiple Chips..... then we can help you directly !
Good Luck !
2019-07-01 22:29
Posts: 19
2 max chips,4 digits each,im using ifly 737,offsets are for hours and min. not hours and minutes combined.
2019-07-01 22:34
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Basicly you could controll the 2 displays ( 4 diggits each) with ONE Max Chip...... But its no matter. It work also with two.

About system:

For us its not important here if data is from IFly or from FSX/P3D ..... Important is you could read the Data.

As you say in initial Posting you show Hours on Display 1 ( Max Chip 1) and Minutes on Display 2 ( Max Chip 2)
So you have still 2 Configs that do this work and you still be able to read both offsets seperate.

So solution is simple.....

At the moment Config 1 is set to Max 1 Pretty sure Diggits 1,2,3,4 or maby 5,6,7,8 ( i don´t know what side of MaxChip is in use)
Config 2 is simmular... Here you choose MaxChip2 and also 1,2,3,4 or 5,6,7,8

NOW Change your Configs....
Config for Hours should use the same (Upper) Max Chip but reduce the active Diggits so only the two left diggits ( 1,2 or 5,6 whatever you currently use) are active.
Config for Minutes should NOW use the same MaxChip like the other (Instead of the lower display like currently)
For used Diggits you now choose the two right diggits ( 3,4 or 7,8 )

Summary.... You just must learn/understand that a Maxchip can be controlled by multiple configs same time.... technical each diggit can be controlled by a indiviual single config.
Good Luck !
2019-07-02 00:55
Posts: 19
How do I config both,in the display setting?
2019-07-02 01:07
Posts: 19
there are 2 separate offsets
2019-07-02 01:23
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

You not understand me finaly.....

There are TWO Offsets.... So you need TWO Configs ( Like you do at the moment)

Your issue is that you use in each config a other Display ( Hrs in the upepr one.... Minutes in the Lower one. )

You CAN split the Displays ( select the specific diggits) individualy....
So use again BOTH configs.... But in the Minutes Config you must select the SAME Display/Max that you use for Hrs Config....
the Display got 4 Diggits you said.... Hrs need only 2 Diggits.... Minutes also need only 2 Diggits ..
So you can set Hrs Config to Upper Display/MaxChip on Digit 1 ,2 ( Only checkmark the left 2 Diggits) and the Minutes Config use SAME Display but you checkmark Diggit 3,4 in that case.

( Again i not see your system so i dont know what diggit is wired... Max Chip have 8 possible Outputs.... With only a 4 Digit Display it use maby 1,2,3,4 or 5,6,7,8, simply Check this by testing !

See also here ....
Good Luck !
2019-07-02 12:34
Posts: 19
brilliant,your the man,thank you,donation sent!
2019-07-04 01:30
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
In Name of Sebastian ( Doc Moebius) i say thank you.
Donations go to him for refinace the equipment and homepage !
Good Luck !
2019-07-04 11:15