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Posts: 4
please i need some information concerning setup with mobilflight with aurdino
i need to interface my landing gear handle with the lights green and red and the flap gauge indicator instrument
i use FSX with ifly 737 in my sim what i need if you see the pictures from where to start i have no idea how please i need help for anyone
best regards
2019-06-17 17:06
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Welcome to Mobiflight !

Basicly the Question you should think about at the beginning point is.... WHAT do you want.
Do you plan only for a verry easy "box" with some things like Flapsgauge, Lightswitches and maby a 7 Seg Display..... OR do you looking for a full cockpit??

The Fact thet is ineresting for us is how compatible a AddOn is with FSUIPC.
Here your Ifly is not the whorst case but also not perfect ( In a scale 1-10 its maby a 5 )
Ifly not support data directly..... But there exist a PlugIn (IflyToFsuipc .... google for that) that export the internal Ifly Data to readable Offsets at FSUIPC we can use with Mobiflight.

Summary.... For a Beginning project its ok.... For a advanced Cockpit i personaly recommend PMDG (70$) ...... For a HighEnd Sim think about Prosim or Magenta ( 1000$+)


About your Request.....

Easy things like Flaps and Gear are no Problem cause those Data is "normaly" also Available in FSUIPC from the Standard Range. Whatever your Ifly got a own Flaps Logic..... It will also move the Simulator internal Flaps and those are readable by FSUIPC Standard Table.
Same with Gear by the way.

So if you plan for more things ( gauges, switches, LED and so on) its high recommend to load the IflyToFsuipc tool..... For Only Flaps and Gear simply use the "FSUIPC Offset Status. pdf" file in your "sim/modules/fsuipc documents " sobfolder. This include everything you need.

If you just startup i recommend to read the Mobiflight Manual and also do the Parking BRake tutorials for LED and Button. then you should be able to create the gauges by youreself !
Good Luck !
2019-06-17 20:07
Posts: 101
Hi John!

Yes, you need the IFlyToFSUIPC tool. In the manual you find all the offsets.
I use IFly-737 in FS-9 but there should be no difference in FSX.

Example for landing gear lights:

Offset is 941E (for all lights the same)
Value Type is Int
Size in Byte is 1

All 3 greens and 3 reds need the same offset, so a mask value is needed.

941E 0 NOSE_GEAR_RedLight_Status
941E 1 NOSE_GEAR_GreenLight_Status
941E 2 LEFT_GEAR_RedLight_Status
941E 3 LEFT_GEAR_GreenLight_Status
941E 4 RIGHT_GEAR_RedLight_Status
941E 5 RIGHT_GEAR_GreenLight_Status

Same with Inputs. Most Inputs have offset 9400, but different parameters
Gear handle for example use parameter 1171 to 1173


As pizman said, for an advanced Cockpit Prosim or a similar software is the better solution, maybe the cockpit builder version of IFly is a solution too. Especially if you like to motorize a throttle quadrant. As I know, there are some offsets of speedbrake only availible in the cockpit builder version of IFly. But in all other cases you can allmost do everything with IFly.
OK the system simulation of PMDG are in some cases a bit deeper, but anyway IFly is a good addon.
I have no complete homecockpit so I can´t say which addon is better, but I have setup my hardware to IFly and PMDG and if I compare the possibilities between IFly and PMDG it´s hard to say which addon deliver more for homecockpit aspects. Maybe in some cases wins IFly, in some others PMDG. Both are not 100% but the most can be done.

2019-06-18 04:13
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Yes... I must agree to Gemu, too.

I stay with my last aaspect that Ifly is a "5" in a scale from 1-10 ...... But Sure PMDG is also just a 6 or maby 7 from my point of view.

The Ifly is a special factor..... Normaly we can say "If a AddOn not support data to fsuipc then its not usefull for Mobiflight"
But in case of Ifly the PlugIn "IflyToFsuipc" solve this negative aspect nearly complete.... So its ok for us.

to bring a other example... The "Aerosoft Airbus A319" is the Badboy in this example and would get a Rating from "1" only cause here you need to make hundrets of LuaScripts by hand to controll it.
Otherwise ProSim is a "10" cause as i kow 100% of functions are supported and also all Displays can be used via Network. ( No garantee for corectness... I not use it myself)


Summary.... Rethink your Cockpit Planings. Decide youreself what you need.... And then start building.

If you need more help simply open a Topic here.... We try to support you.
For specifiic Ifly Questions you find with Gemu a professional user who can support you in the future ;)
Good Luck !
2019-06-18 13:43
Posts: 4
thank you for anwser back
i have my home sim with 5 monitor two of then are touch screen for only instruments and the other 03 are for outside view
so, now i want to upgrade with a real MIP 737, BUT..... i just want to interface the flap gauge indicator , and the landing gear handle with ifly 737-800
with aurdino mega, but i dont have any idea how to start i read the tutorial and nothing happens , there isn't information even in youtube or google about those instruments
how to interface
best regards to everyone
2019-06-20 17:32
Posts: 4
thank you for your experience concerning "IflyToFsuipc" i already have "Fsuipc" installed in my sim version 4.7
what happen if i install "IflyToFsuipc" what is going to happen with the other addons.
2019-06-20 17:36
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
FSUIPC is the "main" System .
It is a PlugIn that read a big amount of raw data out of the sim internal structures and support it in a data section i a sorted and logical format. This section is splittet in the "Offsets"
So it read for example a hexadecimal value somewhere deep in FSX that represent the Altitude..... Then it recalculate it into a decimal Value and support it on Offsetadress X.
Now we can check the FSUIPC Offset list.... find the correct Offsetadress for the Altitude and can READ it .

Problem.... FSUIPC support directly only the Standard Range (and Project Magenta AddOn) directly. If you use for example PMDG then you can not automaticly directly readout the data.
BUT: Comercial AddOns ( Like PMDG ) also "buy" a section in FSUIPC and support there data itself to FSUIPC. Finaly we can use it.

Your IFLY not do this..... BUT some guys write the "IflyToFsuipc" tool..... And this pogramm now read the needed data itself from the sim/ifly and export it again on FSUIPC Offsets. So finalay we can work with it, too.

About your question.
All these systems run indipendend. FSUIPC run always.... The Data export from AddOn Aircrafts only work aslong those aircrafts are used.... So for example the data section of PMDG is simply empty aslong no PMDG is in use.
Normaly there is no problem..... Only if you use 2 PlugIns that work on same Offset Range.

The Final system.

Step 1 . You must get the raw data for your Flaps Gauge out of the Sim.
As i said... You can try the Standard FSUIPC Values OR you can use the Ifly Tool . Check if it also include Ifly internal Flaps Data.

Step 2. If you got the Data you must use it in Mobiflight to controll a Motor for example.


About your comment you not know how to start.....
This i not understand. There are tutorials here..... You got lots of Postings (SEARCH ) in Forum about seting Gauges for Flaps.

As i said above.... If you hang on a specific point i will try to help you..... But i willl not write you a step by step guide with informations you still can learn yourself by reading the manual, the tutorials and hundrets of Forum topics. Apollogy for that !
Good Luck !
2019-06-20 18:21
Posts: 4
thanks so much for all the info
2019-07-02 18:22