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Posts: 3
Good night for everyone, plz i need help with the cowl flaps button for baron 58 and c177 in xplane 11, im trying set with el fsuipc 37f0 but i dont have reults.
thank you
2018-11-07 03:20
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Maby this offset is not work simmular in XPUIPC here.
Please note we have no influence to this tool. Mobiflight just Set/Read Data to it. We donßt know basicly what this AddOn is doing with this data.


I don´t work with cowl Flaps until today.... Not know if this is a encoder that kann open it stepless... Or if you just got a Button Like ON/OFF... Open or Close.

Lets say XPUIPC is work simmular to FSX....


37F0 8 Engine 1 cowl flap position, as a double float: 0.0=fully closed,
1.0=fully open. Can be used to handle position and set it.

Then tell me what your button should do !

EDIT: After short google Research..... Pretty sure this is no Button... Its a potentiometer like throttle. right ?
[Last edited by pizman82, 2018-11-07 05:19]
Good Luck !
2018-11-07 05:08
Posts: 1
Hello everyone, anybody has worked on the cowl flaps using Xplane by now and succeeded? I'm using the fsuipc offset value 37F0 for engine #1 and 3730 for engine #2 and as dozs22 posted, I have not succeeded either, I wonder if anyone has some advice. Thank you
2019-06-13 02:00
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
I already NOT use Xplane today (like 6 month ago) , so i can´t help directly....

But simple solution.....

Can you report what the Offset do ?

Simply READ this offset as a Output. 37F0 FLT64 So Size 8 Byte Typ FLT.
Use NO DEVICE for that Output. Use no other things in your config. Most easy way is to create a new file temporary in Mobiflight.

THEN get into the Sim and change the cowl Flap Settings..... By Mouse in the virtual cockpit.
Observe in the running Mobiflight Connector window the collum right of the Config ( FSUIPC Value) .
Does it change ?? If Yes "how" does it change.

If it act to your entrys then you can use the observed logic simply for your input..... If it do nothing (Stay at 0 for example) then you know that this Offset is not supported by XPUIPC ... OR.... Its not used by your AddOn. So you should also check this with a standard Aircraft finaly to confirm problem is in AddOn or XPUIPC itself .
Good Luck !
2019-06-13 02:55