MobiFlight Community Support

Welcome to the forum for MobiFlight! Feel free to reach out to the community in case you have questions, issues or just want to share great ideas or details about your latest home cockpit project.

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05/03/2024 - This forum is read-only

The community support for MobiFlight has moved exclusively over to our Discord server. Register for free and enjoy more interactive functions like image and video upload, voice chat. More than 7,000 registered users around the world make it a great experience!

See you on our MobiFlight Community Discord server.

A HUGE Thank You to everyone who participated in the forum, especially obviously to Pizman and Stephan who did an outstanding job over so many years providing an incredible service to the MobiFlight community.

The forum is still providing a lot of good content, hence we keep this information accessible.

Subject Replies Views Latest post
icon IRS POSSIBLE solution by SKINO
by mike24
4 5281 2017-09-12 18:48
by mike24
icon fsuipc value
by xafa7480
2 3194 2017-09-11 11:36
by pizman82
icon Servo Tower Pro SG 90 funktioniert nicht.
by tcane
5 6517 2017-09-10 15:35
by pizman82
icon [SOLVED] Arduino Mega 2560 and servo
by JNB12000
9 10435 2017-09-08 20:12
by ec-cts
icon Program error! Help please!
by FunFly
9 10499 2017-09-08 20:03
by ec-cts
icon Auto Updates
by RogerNZ
4 4845 2017-09-04 23:55
by RogerNZ
icon Don't found Arduino 2560 after upgrade 7.x
by itjhfp2
2 3222 2017-09-01 06:12
by DocMoebiuz
icon getting current air speed using 0x.02c4
by kenshauntz
2 4384 2017-08-30 15:45
by kenshauntz
icon Mehr als 40 Schalter?
by Bonanza
2 3161 2017-08-14 13:56
by Bonanza
6 7557 2017-08-12 10:34
11 9833 2017-08-05 10:38
icon FMC/CDU
by haraldh [ 1 2 ]
16 17924 2017-07-15 13:52
by pizman82
icon [SOLVED] Arcaze ein Fehlkau? - Umbau Saitek Throttle
by mkh [ 1 2 3 ]
34 40934 2017-06-07 04:38
by DocMoebiuz
icon Saving the Hardware settings
by avidflyer
1 2376 2017-06-05 21:03
by DocMoebiuz
icon Standby Frequenz ADF
by StephanHo
5 7362 2017-05-27 01:01
by pizman82
icon Inputs problem
by Puacek
2 3899 2017-05-18 12:05
by Puacek
icon Multi-Radio
by Gemu [ 1 2 ]
22 24938 2017-05-18 09:13
by pizman82
icon [Issue Report] 32bit Limit Transform Expression
by pizman82
1 2945 2017-05-13 05:56
by DocMoebiuz
icon Why limit of buttons
by Challenger
3 4561 2017-05-13 01:01
by pizman82
icon SP1 7segment led module from robotshop
by kenshauntz
1 2364 2017-05-13 00:26
by pizman82
icon [SOLVED] LED-Module dimmbar?
by StephanHo
6 6718 2017-05-10 08:48
by StephanHo
icon [Issue Report] Value of a bitmasked Input or Output
by pizman82
3 4846 2017-05-07 16:54
by pizman82
icon [SOLVED] Vorbedingung greift nicht
by gunterat
5 5832 2017-04-27 14:13
by pizman82
icon Mobiflight-Systematik
by pe_martin [ 1 2 3 ]
31 32925 2017-04-25 23:02
by pizman82
icon [SOLVED] Preconditions Help
by crazypilot_uk
3 4225 2017-04-25 11:46
by crazypilot_uk
icon [SOLVED] MFC connector configuration
by kanipatrick
1 2419 2017-04-24 16:53
by pizman82
icon My Rotary encoder showing input & output continously
by yogajangkung
5 6754 2017-04-22 16:23
by pizman82
icon [SOLVED] Stepper motor speed up for Jet Fighter high Climb/Descent Rate
by crazypilot_uk
6 6486 2017-04-19 11:56
by crazypilot_uk
icon [FIXED] No Offset Inputs possible without a Output in Config
by pizman82
2 4522 2017-04-15 23:21
by DocMoebiuz
icon Problem With the button Tutorial
by WilmarDoReboco
13 12348 2017-04-08 01:22
by pizman82