MobiFlight Community Support

Welcome to the forum for MobiFlight! Feel free to reach out to the community in case you have questions, issues or just want to share great ideas or details about your latest home cockpit project.

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05/03/2024 - This forum is read-only

The community support for MobiFlight has moved exclusively over to our Discord server. Register for free and enjoy more interactive functions like image and video upload, voice chat. More than 7,000 registered users around the world make it a great experience!

See you on our MobiFlight Community Discord server.

A HUGE Thank You to everyone who participated in the forum, especially obviously to Pizman and Stephan who did an outstanding job over so many years providing an incredible service to the MobiFlight community.

The forum is still providing a lot of good content, hence we keep this information accessible.

Subject Replies Views Latest post
icon FCU V/S
by Klausi70
8 7771 2018-08-28 22:55
by pizman82
icon Multiple Arduinos
by crazypilot_uk
2 2824 2018-08-28 14:40
by DocMoebiuz
icon Negative xxUIPC Werte
by Otacon
3 3206 2018-08-26 23:18
by Otacon
icon Mobiflight Connector stürzt bei Light Tests (737) ab
by Tango1974
9 10715 2018-08-24 14:41
by Tango1974
icon Powering Multiple Arduinos from one 5v PSU
by Coco737
2 3391 2018-08-22 15:35
by Coco737
icon Initialisierungsprozedur in MB des max7219.
by ec-cts
6 6435 2018-08-21 22:57
by ec-cts
icon Several 7 segment displays
by sebpil
6 6206 2018-08-21 14:39
by sebpil
icon Absturz Mobiflight
by Klausi70
5 4852 2018-08-08 00:33
by Gemu
icon Flap Anzeige Servo nicht linear?!
by McFly
7 7046 2018-08-01 02:12
by 426ivan
icon Mask values
by Otacon
8 7562 2018-07-29 15:05
by Otacon
icon Suggestion to the new V-JOY Tool
by pizman82
0 2124 2018-07-29 09:06
by pizman82
icon Problem with LED Output
by administrator
7 6692 2018-07-29 05:19
by pizman82
icon Arduino Mega is not recognized Mobiflight after update 7.5.0
by herly
3 3435 2018-07-26 09:56
by StephanHo
icon LCD display
by trajector
8 10035 2018-07-20 17:51
by StephanHo
icon several led's only one pin lights up
by administrator
1 2047 2018-07-19 13:45
by StephanHo
icon 2 Funktionen mit einem Encoder möglich?
by Skino
3 3812 2018-07-18 03:29
by pizman82
icon Anzahl der Arduinos an den USB-Schnittstellen begrenzt?
by mkh
1 2643 2018-07-18 03:19
by pizman82
icon Upload finished with error
by Xander710
3 4634 2018-07-02 13:47
by StephanHo
icon Toggle Parking Brake
by McFly
3 4030 2018-06-27 13:18
by pizman82
icon Flightdecksolution
by McFly
2 3163 2018-06-27 11:46
by McFly
icon Benutzen von FSUIPC oder XUIPC Werten in AddOn Fliegern
by Wolle
2 4166 2018-06-23 13:45
by pizman82
icon Source Development
by DieselTech123
1 3103 2018-06-20 18:28
by pizman82
icon Displays per Vorbedingung ein- bzw. ausschalten?
by Bonanza
10 18107 2018-05-28 07:41
by StephanHo
icon Logging-Meldung
by StephanHo
3 3754 2018-05-23 18:39
by StephanHo
icon Radio Bendix - Funktion
by Hannes
7 7700 2018-05-18 14:37
by StephanHo
icon Encoder richtig einstellen
by FlightUnder [ 1 2 ]
23 25527 2018-05-09 12:33
by FlightUnder
icon Wo ist die Log Datei?
by Skino
3 4177 2018-05-09 10:50
by pizman82
icon [Solved] Encoder EN11
by Mindless74
3 3798 2018-05-03 11:46
by StephanHo
icon 7 Segment LED Displays refreshen
by Mindless74
6 6237 2018-04-29 13:58
by StephanHo
icon tastenverwendung
by haraldh
7 7574 2018-04-21 23:05
by haraldh