This page provides a summary of how to use MobiFlight together with ProSim737
From the ProSim Website (
ProSim737 is a Professional Simulator Suite that delivers accurate flight simulation and is a complete solution to operate your flight simulator.
In deed ProSim737 is probably one of the most accurate simulations of the popular Boeing737 and its flight systems. For this reason it is very propular amongst home cockpit builders. Fortunately there is a way to integrate MobiFlight with ProSim737: There is a FSUIPC Module available! YEAH!
This paragraph will provide soon a short explanation of how to enable the FSUIPC module in ProSim737.
Make sure that you have a registered version of FSUIPC - otherwise it might not work.
Our MobiFlight Community Member Karl aka "737DIY SIM" has put together an amazing video tutorial series on ProSim737 setup and the configuration needed to get a MCP to work. A lot of Kudos to you "Heli Mech" :D
Have a look at the first video and see how easy it is to configure both programs to display the right values of the MCP on the 7-segment displays.
The next awesome video Karl covers the wiring and configuration of switches and LEDs.
Another great video that Karl created, he explains how to setup the rotary encoders for his MCP and how to configure MobiFlight and ProSim737.