Main Window
Main menu
The menu bar contains the following items
- File
- New - Create a new MF Config file
- Open - Open MF config file
- Merge - Merge two MF config file
- Save As - Save a copy of current MF config file
- Recent Documents - Open a config file from your list of recently opened files (the number of files can be configured in the settings dialog)
- Extras
- MSFS2020 - Install MSFS2020 WASM module and Events *
- Manage Orphaned serial - Opens dialog to manage orphaned serials of arcaze modules in current config
- Settings- Mobiflight-Connector main settings
- Help
- Open help in web - brings you to the current website
- Check for update - checks on the internet if updates are available
- Information about current software version
Main toolbar
- Save - save the current configuration. It is enabled if there are changes made to the current configuration.
- Run - executes the current configuration. It is only clickable if supported modules are recognized (MobiFlight Board or Arcaze) and your flight sim is running
- Test - executes the Test Mode. For each configuration item the test mode is toggled. With this function you can check that your configuration is addressing the correct output device. It helps most with LEDs and 7 segment displays
- Stop - Stops the currently active mode (Run/Test).
- AutoRun - Can be activated and then runs MF Connector automatically on next start using the last loaded Configuration (Run-Mode). The application minimizes to the taskbar and it waits until the connection to your flight sim becomes available. The start order (MFConnector vs flight sim) does not matter.
- MobiFlight Modules - Direct access to the settings dialog for the MobiFlight modules
- Donate - Donate to the MobiFlight project using this button.
- Discord - Opens the MobiFlight Discord Server
- HubHop - Opens HubHop in your default browser.
- YouTube - Opens the MobiFlight Channel on YouTube in your default browser.
- Exit- Closes the application. If there are still unsaved changes, you will see a message that informs you and gives you the possibility to first save your changes or discard them - as you like.
Config list view - "Output"
The configuration list on the output tab shows you all entries of the currently loaded file (see file name in title bar). The config list items contain the following information:
- Active - the config item is activated. Only active config items are executed during "Run"-mode and "Test"-mode.
- Description - You can assign a meaningful name for each config item. Double click on the field in the desired row to activate edit mode.
- Module - The the name of the used module. You can sort configs by this column. If no output device is configured and no module is selected then this value will be empty.
- Output - the name of the device that used in the configuration. You can sort configs by this column. If no output device is configured then this will be empty.
- Type - the type of the device that is used in the configuration. You can sort configs by this column. If no device is configured then this will be empty.
- Flight Sim Value- The last raw value which has been received from the sim or which has been stored in a MobiFlight variable. Only up-to-date if MobiFlight is connected to the flight sim and running ("Run"-Mode).
- Output Value - Current value which is used for the output device. This value can vary from the original raw value according to the rules you configure in the Config Wizard (Transform, compare, interpolation).
- ...- Click on the button to access the Config-Wizard (see. 2.). You can also open the Config-Wizard by double clicking on the row.
Config list view - Inputs
The configuration list on the inputs tab shows you all entries of the currently loaded file (see file name in title bar) concerning input configuration. The config list items contain the following information:
- Active - the config item is activated. Only active items are considered and evaluated when running the software.
- Description - You can assign a meaningful name for each config item. Double click on the field in the desired row to activate edit mode.
- Module - The name of the module used in the configuration. You can sort configs by this column.
- Input - It shows the name of the used input device and the module's name. You can sort configs by this column.
- Type- The type of input device. You can sort configs by this column.
- ...- Click on the button to access the Input-Config-Wizard (see. 3.). You can also open the Input-Config-Wizard by double clicking on the row.
- Modules - shows the status of currently connected modules. You can click on a module to directly access the MobiFlight board settings dialog.
- yellow - No supported module has been found
- green - at least one supported module has been recognized on your PC
- Sim Status- indicates the status of your flight sim connection.
- yellow - There is no flight sim connection - Possible reasons:
- your flightsimulator has not been started yet,
- your flight simulator has not started the connection interface (e.g. SimConnect, FSUIPC).
- for SimConnect - the WASM module is not started, make sure it is installed correctly.
- green - MobiFlight is successfully connected to your flight sim.
- Offline Mode - Indicates whether you are currently in "Offline Mode".
- Status Info... - Indicates status of your execution mode
- "Status Info..." - The software is currently not in Run Mode. You stopped it or an have not yet started it. While not running, the FSUIPC values will and attached devices will not be updated.
- "Running..." - Currently MobiFlight Connector is in "Run-Mode". Values are read from and written to FSUIPC, output and input devices are also updated. Hint: As long as the little dots move around, the application is running fine. Should they stop to move it is likely that an error occured and the "Run mode" stopped or the application has to be restarted (latter case happens only very rarely).
Settings dialog
The settings dialog provides access to general and module specific configuration options. You can access the settings dialogue via the main menu "Extras" > "Settings".
General Tab
The following options can be configured on the general settings tab:
- Recent files - Set the number of files which are shown in the recent files list. 5 is default.
- Logging - if you experience problems with the software it might be helpful to enable the logging mode and set the Log level to info or debug. You can later provide the information on the forum so that the cause of the problem can be found more easily. Normally you do not need to active logging - it slows down the performance a little and might cause problems e.g. with encoder readings.**
- Offline Mode - You can execute MobiFlight configs even without an active flight simulator connection. This can be useful for testing and if MobiFlight does not support your flight sim natively.
- Beta Versions - Activate the option to participate in the beta program. You will receive update notification when a new beta version has been released. Have in mind that beta-versions are not as stable as official releases.
- Community Feedback Program - Activate the option to participate in the MobiFlight Feedback Program
- Language - You can select the language for the UI. A change will require a MobiFlight restart.
- System Default - Your current system settings
- English - English interface
- German - German interface
- Config Execution Speed - You can control the general execution of MobiFlight. The setting determines how often MobiFlight will execute your output configs. Slow is every 250ms, very fast is every 50ms.
- Test mode speed - If you have a larger number of output config items then it makes sense to change this to a faster value. Default is slow (1 second per row).
MobiFlight Modules - Tab
On the "MobiFlight Modules"-Tab you can configure your mobiflight boards. You can:
Arcaze Modules - Tab
On the "Arcaze Modules"-Tab you can configure extension modules that you use on your aracze modules, like LED Driver v2 / v3 / v32 or Display Driver. If none is connected the Extension Type is called "InternalIO"
- Available Arcaze Modules, a list with currently connected Arcaze modules, that you can configure.
- Module Settings - In this section you provide the information about the extension modules. This is needed so that the extension modules are initialized correctly and everything works as expected.Click on the desired arcaze module in the list on the left and then choose from the following options:
- Type - InternalIO, DisplayDriver, LedDriver2 oder LedDriver3
- Count - the number of connected modules at the Arcaze-Board
- Global Intensity - The globale intensity of the LEDs, only available for Display Driver and LED Driver 3/32
The Config-Wizard let's you to edit your configuration items in a user friendly and convenient way by distributing different aspects of the configuration over different tabs. You can open the Config Wizard with the following actions:
- Click on "..."-Button in "Outputs"-configuration list
- Double click on a configuration item (row) on any cell other than "Description"
- Use space bar when the focus is set on "..."-Button - e.g. after using the tab-key.
"Sim Variable"-Tab
The "Sim Variable"-tab allows you to define how to read or access the data that you would like to use in your configuration. There are several options for reading data:
SimConnect (MSFS2020)
Preferred option to access data from the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2022. This connection type uses SimConnect and the MobiFlight WASM module. Make sure you have the WASM module installed correctly.
MobiFlight Variable
You can read the values of your MobiFlight variables.
Use preset - You can use predefined Settings that come with the MobiFlight Connector. It is the easiest way to use FSUIPC Offsets. You load a preset by:
- Selecting the desired functionfrom the drop down list, you can type the beginning of an item to reduce the number of items in the list
- Confirm the selection by clicking on the "use"-Button - you will see that all values are set automatically. Have a look at the Tutorials Section for a more practical example.
Base settings - FSUIPC Basis-Einstellungen Offset, Value Typeand Byte Size of an Offset are all provided in the FSUIPC documentation that come with your FSUIPC installation.
More Options - Additional settings that are required for some FSUIPC offsets
Mask value with- The default value that is set, when you change the byte size normally is the correct one. The value allows you to explicitly mask certain bits of a value.
Example: "Lights"-Offset 0x0D0C - hier the various bits represent the states of different lights of an aircraft.An example are the "Landing Lights" which are contained as preset.
BCD mode - Activates BCD Mode und interprets the value at the offset a little bit different. If you have to enable BCD-Mode or not is mentioned in the FSUIPC-Offset-Documentation. An example for BCD encoded values are Offsets regarding NAV-, COM- und SQUAWK-readings.
Hint: All information that is needed to properly configure a FSUIPC offset can be retrieved from the FSUIPC-SDK-Documentation:
- FSUIPC(4,5,6,7) Offsets Status.pdf
- FSUIPC for Programmers.pdf
Both PDFs are available in the freely available FSUIPC SDK and also normally ship with you FSUIPC installation files, see Peter Dowson's FSUIPC Website for up-to-date links.
X-Plane DataRef
- DatRef - provide the path to the DataRef
- Transform - like with other sim variabled you can also transform the value using the expression syntax.
The Comparison-Tab allows to define simple Comparison rules. By this you can change the value before using it for output. This is quite useful for a broad number of FSUIPC offset values. Example:** The indication of the Flaps Position - the output that drives the LED shall be 1 of the FSUIPC value is exactly 4096. In any other case it shall be 0 (off). Hint:**You can only define one comparison rule. It is not possible to define e.g. a lower and upper limit at the same time. **You must use the powerful feature of "Preconditions" for this. With Preconditions you can combine an unlimited number of such conditions.
Tips & Tricks for comparisons
The following possibilites are availabe for the fields "set it to" and "else set it to":
- You can leave the field empty to use the currently provided value.
- You can also use "$" to reference the currently provided number.
- If you want to blank a 7-segment display module, you can use "SPACES"
- You can use characters as values for 7-segment displays, e.g. dashes "---"
- You can have complex calculations by using the supported expression engine syntax**
The Display-Tab allows you to define how the current value is displayed. You specify whether a LED is used or a LED 7 Segment Module or any other supported ouput type. Every output device and type has their own additional settings.
In the lower part of the tab page you can use the test mode function to verify that your display configuration makes sense. It triggers the same test function as if you run the Test Mode from the Main Window.
- Display Type - You can define the following options
- Choose - Between "Output Device" and "Input Action"
Display - Output Device
Use one of your connected devices from your selected module to display the current value. Every device has their specific configuration. See more information about output device types and their options.
Options are:
- Module - The connected module that has the device that you would like to use
- Use type of - Select the type of device.
Display - Input Action
You can also trigger an Input Action if your current value changes. This can be either a input action based of
- Button-type - OnPress is executed when current value is "1", OnRelease is executed when current value is "0"
- Analog input - is executed on every value change. You can reference the current value by "@" in the value field (see hint below field).
You can define preconditions which have to be fulfilled so that your configuration is evaluated further. With this, more possibilities come up, like z.B. Multi-Radio-Instrumente, that depending on a switch' position show different readings. This allows to display e.g COM1, COM2, NAV1, NAV2 oder ADF on a common display. You can define an unlimited number of precondition items and combine them logically with "AND" or "OR".
Precondition list
In the upper part of the tab panel you see a list of currently defined preconditions. By right clicking on the list you access the context menu. There you have access to:
- Add precondition
- Remove precondition
- Select the logic Operator,which can be"AND" or "OR" - however there is no further grouping possible, the preconditions are evaluated sequentially.
You can also adtivate and deactivate a precondition. Active preconditions are marked with a "tick"
Configure Preconditions
When you select a precondition from the list, you can specify the details of the precondition. Use type of ** - Defines the type of precondition
Config- You can use the value of another config entry. You can hereby use FSUIPC values from your Flight Simulator as precondition.
Variable- You can access the value of any MobiFlight variable defined in output or input configs.
Pin (only for Arcaze)- the state of a pin, e.g. switch.
- Module- The Arcaze-Modul which shall be used
- Pin- The Pin which is used for evaluation
- If current state is - the value for a successful comparison: On or Off
Changes automatically are applied and saved to your config when closing the Wizard with "OK".
The Input-Config-Wizard let's you to edit your configuration items for your input devices in a user friendly and convenient way by distributing different aspects of the configuration over different tabs.
This dialogue only is available for MobiFlight Devices. Arcaze users define the input functions with the Arcaze Config Tool.
You can open the Input Config Wizard with the following actions:
- Click on "..."-Button in "Inputs"-configuration list on the Inputs-Tab
- Double click on a configuration item (row) on any cell other than "Description"
- Use space bar when the focus is set on "..."-Button - e.g. after using the tab-key.
On the Input-Tab you configure the actions that shall happen when using a defined input device.
Choose Input
First you select the desired device by choosing the MobiFlight Board (module) and the configured input device** from the respective drop down box.
Input Settings
Depending on the type you will see different Input settings options.
Type Button
A button offers two options or say events.
- On Press - Is evaluated the moment the button is pressed
- On Release - Is evaluated the moment the button is released
You don't have to assign for both events individual actions but you can.
Type Encoder
An encoder offers four options or say events.
- On Left - Is evaluated whenever the encoder is turned left, but slowly
- On Left (Fast)- Is evaluated whenever the encoder is turned left, but quicker
- On Right - Is evaluated whenever the encoder is turned right, but slowly
- On Right (Fast)- Is evaluated whenever the encoder is turned right, but quicker
You don't have to assign for every event individual actions but you can.
Action Types
Once you have selected your input device you can specify a action type for one of it's events (see above for the different device types and there events).
See a detailed explanation of all input actions types.
You can define preconditions which have to be fulfilled so that your configuration is evaluated further. With this, more possibilities come up, like z.B. Multi-Radio-Instrumente, that depending on a switch' position let's you control different instruments with the same rotary switch or encoder. This allows to control e.g COM1, COM2, NAV1, NAV2 oder ADF with a common input device. In combination with the preconditions for outputs you have nice possiblities.
The precondition panel offers the same option as the panel of the Config Wizard for Outputs.
See this section for further details